
Psychotherapy Assisted by Meditation and Self-Hypnosis

Self-hypnosis, meditation, and related techniques draw on the mind's ability to surpass itself. When paired with psychotherapy these techniques can greatly assist in clarifying problems and discovering creative ways to resolve them.

Initially, discovering the crux of current issues is all-important. Physical and medical factors may be involved, needing evaluation and resolution. Emotional conflicts will need exploration, definition and a plan of redress. Since many emotions, such as anxiety, fear and anger, have system-wide expressions, mind-body approaches become useful in modifying and transcending them.      

To this end, approaches such as self-hypnosis, mental imagery, hypnotherapy, meditation and Autogenic Training are offered as accelerators of change. The mind’s capacity to project the therapeutic reach of its premier creation, awareness, is central to them. Pushing beyond its usual boundaries, consciousness can be invited far into the body's inner workings, dissolving negative reactions while building physical wellness and energy. 

Article: “Hypnosis in Psychotherapy”

Article:Hypnosis and Meditation as States of Heightened Brain Plasticity: Seven Pathways to Higher Nervous System Function