

Hypnotic mind states can deliver significant assistance to the resolution of many illnesses, acute and chronic, in-hospital and out. 

Preparing for operations, medical procedures and diagnostic tests are common examples. Pre-surgical hypnosis, offered days or more in advance, alleviates apprehension, thus promoting the cumulation of vital energies and favoring restorative sleep. Even during operations, latent hypnotic affirmations have been shown to stabilize blood pressure and respiration, bolstering outcomes. Post-surgery, medical hypnosis can enhance blood flow to wounds, accelerate tissue healing and encourage convalescence. Medical hypnosis also lends a hand to treatment adjustment such as chemotherapy and radiation.

Hypnosis is the penultimate non-pharmacological relaxant. Relaxation training invites the deep melting of physical tensions with the dispelling of anxieties and fears. Higher-order body/mind relaxation benefits body rhythm disruptions, such as sleep disorders, as it can medical conditions often referred to as psychosomatic or psychophysiological, known to be worsened by stress. Among them, hypertension, colitis, asthma and selected skin disturbances, among others.

Article: Medical Hypnosis in the Hospital

Article: Hypnosis and self-hypnosis in mastering medical procedures and operations

Article: Hypnotic Approaches to the Cancer Patient

Article: Speed Hypnosis Versus Meditative Hypnosis in Clinical Care